Play Group to Grade 9 Exams with marking schemes, Notes, Topical Questions, Lesson Plans, Schemes of Work, KPSEA and KJSEA Projects.
Form 2 to Form 4 Exams with marking schemes, Notes, Topical Questions, Lesson Plans, Schemes of Work, Mocks, Setbooks.
Setbooks Guides with chapter summaries, analyses on themes, style, characterization, Revision Questions... for Fathers of Nations, The Samaritan, a Parliament of Owls, an Artist of the Floating Worls and A Silent Song.
Mwongozo wa Vitabu vya Fasihi vikiwa na Muhtasari wa kila Sura, Uchambuzi wa Mandhari, Mtindo, Uwasilishaji wa Wahusika, Dhamira ya Mwandishi na Maswali ya Marudio. Pata Mwongozo wa Bembea ya Maisha, Nguu za Jadi, Mapambazuko ya Machweo.